The front of one of the note cards - close up!
The set of 4 notecards - featuring the fruit paintings shown and the qualities of
love, joy, kindness, patience
After a lot of work and readjustments, I have finally finished a new set of notecards featuring the 4 fruit paintings seen above and the idea of the Fruits of the Spirit, which are mentioned in scripture. Each of the 9 spiritual fruits are written in the form of a border around the paintings (love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control, faithfulness, patience, goodness) and the top of the border simply states, "A tree is known by its fruit..."
As I worked on these this summer, I was struck again by the wisdom of scripture! We, like trees, are people known by the way we live our lives. I know I would much prefer to be the kind of person who lives with these qualities, and most people would agree that it is better to live our lives with people who have these qualities as well! Without the presence of a Good God in our lives, it is difficult to do so, though! These are the qualities of God himself!