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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

PEACE in crazy times!

We are currently living in such unprecedented, unsettling times....
I invite you to 4 1/2 minutes of calming art in the video below to
give you a little peace...

And - fix your mind and heart on goodness rather than getting caught up in the panic of COVID-19.
Let's remember that we are loved, we are cared for and supported,  that God is good and is for us with good intentions.  We can come together (in a social distancing kind of way) and be caring, supportive, and helpful.
I also think making art is a great therapy for our hearts and minds!!  

If you would like weekly encouragements in your creative work, I'd love to include you in my list of artist friends! 
You'll get weekly tips, techniques, & inspiration!  I'll also send you a free interactive worksheet with 5 small steps you can take today to live a more artistic life! 

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