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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Changing Seasons - Seasons of Change

It is a gray, rain drenched morning- easy to think of staying in bed - of hibernating another few hours.  But.... there is beauty to be found, and even on this gray day - the Creator's whispers to be heard for attentive ears.  

Moments to savor this morning:  A cup of tea, warm pumpkin muffins (with chocolate chips - because everything is better with chocolate!), butter, of course! And a journal of Grace Notes ...a chronicle of small (easily missed) moments of grace given as gifts from the hands of God. 

What does this have to do with art, you may ask! 

Everything!!... Taking time to notice, to listen, to take wonder in, to give thanks for....all of this must be part of the artist's life and practice.  These are moments when wonder and joy inform our  hearts. When ideas take shape.  And when we begin to understand the love with which our world was created and is daily sustained. This is when we may hear the whispers of God when we take time to listen.

I have a small journal I've named Grace Notes for these  moments - and every time I add an entry, I am reminded how important this is and how easily in the daily demands of life it is to neglect to give thanks - or even to take notice of the small beauties of the world around me. 

On this fall day this is my entry: 

Falling Leaves

From green in its many shades and varieties, the colors change.
Green becomes yellow gold, or orange, or red. 
A blaze of rich beauty burning brightly. 
And then the mantle of color drops or is swept by the wind to carpet the earth.
A final generosity before all is bare and winter's chill sets in. 
Fall is a flourish...of color - bright and beautiful, gracing our steps.  


So, even in seasons of change, how delightful it is to notice beauty and give thanks for our Creator's small gifts. These things represent and reflect who He is.    I, too, sense I'm in a season of change. So,  I'm looking for small beauties and lovely reminders that I'm being graced by His kind and loving Presence. 

Take a moment and notice!  Leave a comment below to tell me what you have discovered! 

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