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Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Break is over ... and I am back home after a great trip to visit my son at college! But - as you may have noticed, I haven't been working in the studio for a few days.

black feather study - watercolor on illustration board

However, I began working on this small study last night - a watercolor and a first study for a black feather that I hope to refine and continue working on. It is challenging to find the color of black ... it is more of a velvety purple black and the color of the shadows. Did you know that black - like white - isn't just one color ... but has innumerable possibilities! This is a very first study - so stay tuned for more to come!


William F. Renzulli said...

Exquisitely executed!!!

Debra J.Sepos said...

Very nice! Glad your back.

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