Red Poppies, 9x9" Colored Pencil on Black Paper
This colored pencil drawing represents some new ideas that I'm deciding how to approach.
First of all, even though a finished drawing here, I consider this a study in preparation for a larger painting - very possibly a series of paintings that I want to do - of magnified botanicals. It isn't a new idea, really - I've done quite a few over the years, as have many other artists ... but the idea behind this and some of the materials I hope to use will be new to me.
The idea comes from a small verse in the book of Matthew, "Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow. They neither work nor make their clothing - yet Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as they are. And, if God cares so wonderfully for the flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?" This verse resonates deeply with me. It has been my experience - repeatedly - that God has provided and cared for me when I was at the end of my resources, and done so in ways that were far beyond my wildest imagination! So, that being my personal experience, I thought about how to portray that... and it seemed to me that paintings that depict the beauty and hidden surprises of the "lilies of the field" might be a way to illuminate that idea in very visual terms. But, the idea behind this seems to need some elements beyond just a painting on a canvas. So, I'm experimenting with some new materials - which I hope to be able to show you soon.
In this colored pencil drawing, I hope you are captured by the color of the flowers - which is intense and hot - and the surprise of the small blue, almost purplish textured, center. Also, notice the light which seems to hang like jewels on the fuzzy stems of the buds. Of course, my rendition fades in comparison to the dazzling beauty of God's handiwork - which can be found in the most common of places - a gift given, a reminder that He provides for all our needs.
(Matthew 6:28-30)